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updated 10.01.09 18:15
10-01-09 @ 18:02

Milady Winter Open user info Open user photogallery
Do you believe in democracy?
I don`t and I never did, because while there is power there will always be control and while there will be control there will be no freedom. Today morning Last Samurai [] was watching "Zeitgeist" and advised it to me too. I have watched it and I find it worthwhile to watch. The only thing should be mentioned - there is no absolute truth, take this film critically.

What "Zeitgeist" means? "Zeitgeist is a German language expression literally translated: Zeit, time; Geist, spirit, meaning "the spirit of the age and its society". The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual, cultural, ethical and political climate, ambiance and moral of an era or also a trend. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events." (c) Wikipedia

The film is about modern society, religion, politics and connections between them. ATTENTION: it is 2 hours long.

Mood: thoughtful 

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Mac Crash Open user info Open user photogallery
10-01-09 @ 19:40
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Brilliant, thought provoking, tells the truth and does'nt pull punches...
It's a pity that half the planet is still blinded with religion, the biggest
pile of crap ever invented and responsible for most of the worlds
conflicts =(
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